Thursday, May 5, 2011

KCR: Superfreakonomics (non-fiction)

Cover of "SuperFreakonomics: Global Cooli...Cover via AmazonSuperfreakonomics by Levitt and Dubner are about surprising stories behind statistics, about how "common wisdom" are anything but, as it answers questions such as:
And many other weird questions that you never thought people would have analyzed, but probably should, as it completely challenges the way you thought things worked. 

This is a sequel to Freakonomics, which discussed a lot of controversial ideas, like what actually caused the drop in crime in the last 20-30 years (his answer: abortion). This sure pushed a lot of people's buttons and a ton of blogs, articles, op-eds, and such were written to "debate" or "debunk" Freakonomics (and now, Superfreakonomics). 

You are not expected to agree, but at least, you need to keep an open mind when you read these, as they do make sense on many levels. Some of the logic is weak, while at others there's a bit of psychology thrown in, but it is still interesting. 

Rating: Get it

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