Cover via AmazonDesperado is what "
El Mariachi" should have been.
Robert Rodriguez made "El Mariachi" in 1992 for $7000, by doing all his own editing and filming, and doing everything in one take (and edit out the mistakes by cut away to some other shot). The plot was a bit confusing, but it is great filmmaking nonetheless. Desperado is done in 1995 with a proper
American budget (7 million, still cheap) and proper stars like
Antonio Banderas, Selma Hayak (practically her intro to
American cinema),
Steve Buscemi, and pushed by
Quentin Tarantino (who guest starred). The result is as stylish as any
Hong Kong production, albeit not quite as polished, with typical "
Hollywood" physics, like people driven back 10 ft from a little cut-off shotgun hit, and so on.
The story is about as cliched as well. "El Mariachi" (Banderas), the legendary vigilante with guns in a guitar case, is looking for "Bucho", and he seem to be killing his way across Mexico to find Bucho, who is a drug lord. Along the way, he ran into the beautiful Carolina (Hayak), and there will be a big shootout at the end, as you can expect, after a few plot twists.
The plot is cliche, and vigilante justice is hard to accept for some, but for entertainment and action, this movie delivers... However, it has that "hey, look what I can do!" feel that somehow felt out of place.
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