Tuesday, May 31, 2011

KCR: Sky Crawlers (anime movie)

Dogfights (TV series)Image via WikipediaSky Crawlers is not what it appears to be at first glance: an anime movie about aerial dogfights. Instead, this movie is about what is war, and what are the effects on the warriors, and how a society can be structured around war.

The Setup: two planes are on patrol when they were ambushed by "the Teacher", an enemy ace that had NEVER been defeated. Later, a new pilot, who looked like a kid, arrived at the base as replacement. Somehow he had a sense of deja vu... as if he had done this before. What sort of secrets is this airbase hiding? Why does the commander look so hostile and tender at the same time, almost as if she recognized him?

The animation itself is gorgeous, the flight sequences beautiful. It is hard to further discuss this movie without spoiling the plot, suffice to say that this makes a huge political statement about the necessity of war, and its effect on the warriors.

Rating: Worth watching at least once

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