The problem with this book is it is incredibly brutal. Torture was mentioned several times in the book. The character of Hennessey was so dark, so miserable, he's drunk when he's not on duty. One woman that loved him was practically raped... while he's mostly drunk... AND he called her by the wrong name. (I said he was drunk).
On the other hand, Hennesey's brutal but honest tactics was portrayed as the solution to terrorism. Enemy fired from the mosque? Was it documented? Good, give them warning, then level the mosque. Enemy fired from the hospital? Blow up that floor of the hospital. If enemy pretend to be wounded to kill the medics, no quarter will be given. If enemy don't follow the rules of war, then we won't either.
It was like revenge porn (like those old Charles Bronson "Death Wish" movie series).
The technology was completely earth like, no major changes. All countries / nations have their Earth exact equivalents. This novel is part of multi-novel arc, so reading stuff in order may help you enjoy it more.
Rating: Try it (not for the politically squeamish)
A Desert Called Peace (on Amazon)
You may also want to check out Carnifex, the next book in the series
Carnifex (sequel to A Desert Called Peace)
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