Sunday, May 22, 2011

KCR: The Next 100 Years (non-fiction, forecast)

Next 100 Years attempts to forecast the next 100 years, and while a lot of the political analysis makes sense, it comes across as a jingoistic declaration of American superiority borrowing elements liberally from military thrillers with power combat suits, hypersonic fighters and cruise missiles, even armed space stations (I guess they work off the same sources).

It is interesting to figure where the predictions came from, as the author details how he sees "nationalistic needs" and how they influence geopolitics and future conflicts. Basically, each country has its own version of "manifest destiny". For the US, it was to control access to both oceans (and later, guarantee access to oil). For Japan, it is the need to secure natural resources to feed its industries. For Russia, it is to protect itself from invasions by dominating its surroundings, and that means it will collide with China in the very near future.

You may or may not agree, but it does make sense... to a certain degree.

Rating: Try it

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